Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sometimes, It's Hard to Think

It is hardest to think in the middle of the night. Last night, I was at my parents' house. So were my aunt and uncle and my cousin and his wife. So there was no bed for me--except for Matt's bed (he's on his mission). But I went into his room and the bed, floor, and everywhere were covered with stuff my parents just stuffed into his room cuz they didn't know where to put it. I was too tired to move things, and I knew if I didn't, I would step on things in the night when I got up to pee (hey, I'm pregnant). Then I had an idea! I could sleep on the couch downstairs, which I tried to do. Unfortunately, a cricket has escaped and took up residence under the fridge. I swear that thing is the size of crickets in China, it was so dang loud. So then I went upstairs to the other couch to sleep. But that cricket was still very loud and it continued to bother me. No sleep for me. So then, I did what any intelligent person would do in the middle of the night. I thought of the one place that I wouldn't hear the cricket to go sleep--the Mini Cooper I'm borrowing from my in-laws! Brilliant! So I took my thin blanket outside and locked the front door (now I could no longer get back into the house) and climbed into the Mini Cooper's back seat. And I had the best three hours of sleep I had all night. Good thing I am very short and not super pregnant fat yet. I realized that maybe I should have picked a larger car to sleep in, such as the Ford Edge or the BMW or something, but hey, it is really hard to think in the middle of the night. And then, since I was locked out, I knocked on the door at 7 a.m., certain that Dad would be awake. Nothing. So I called Mom, and she let me in. Turns out, Dad was awake, but had already gone to the gym, which meant the door from the house to the garage was unlocked and I could have gotten in on my own. And, the moral of the story is (as Mom put it), now I can be a hobo since I can sleep anywhere.

At least, anywhere where there isn't a huge cricket chirping all freaking night.

1 comment:

Chase and Amy said...

This made me laugh. Gotta love finding comfy places to sleep when you're pregnant.