Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Aunt and Uncle Time

We got to hold our little nephew Nigel!
Those of you who have been aunts or uncles before, some even for many years, probably don't know how exciting this is...but it is! I am finally an aunt!

Aunt Sarah and little Nigel. Babies don't usually like me, and apparently neither does Nigel. He was crying, so I was rocking him at arms length, like Melanie told me to, and he stopped when I did it. What an arm workout!

My arms got tired so I switched to squats. Nigel and I look so cute and happy--and I look super skinny! That's right, I'm 12 weeks pregnant.

Nigel and Uncle Andrew, who is very good at babies.

Oh look, Uncle Andrew got Nigel to sleep.

Nigel didn't even cry when Andrew "Lion Kinged" him.

Nigel sleeping in Andrew's arms. What a good baby.

Mom Melanie and Nigel. Congrats! He is cute!
So basically it is fun to be an aunt. He cries and I try to console him, but it doesn't work, so I pass him off to Melanie. Or Andrew, who apparently rocks at babies.

Don't you think my nephew is cute?


Erica said...

So cute, and I'm glad he's okay and out of the NICU! Congratulations to Melanie (and you, on your aunthood)

Rachelle said...

He is a cutie! And soon you will have one!!! Good thing Andrew is good with babies :D

Eliza said...

"Andrew is good at babies" is a very interesting way to put it...

Rachel Warner said...

Congrats on becoming an Aunt! That is so exciting :) And, you will get to be a mom coming up too!!