Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sad and Steamy

Yesterday after my swim, I decided to sit in the steam room for a few minutes. I walked in and it was all steamy. I was excited. I like to sit in saunas and steam rooms. I actually really like sweating. And I like breathing that air.

But I didn't sweat. I didn't even feel hot.

I was confused--isn't this place full of steam? Shouldn't it be hotter?

And then I realized something:

Hong Kong was hotter and more humid than that steam room.

And I was sad. Visible steam does not equal hot steam.

Next time I need to sweat and sweat and sweat by just sitting on a park bench, I will have to go back to Hong Kong and sit on a park bench, fan myself like crazy, and drink like five bottles of water in a day.

The condensation on the camera lens when I opened it up to take a picture. HUMID.
The hottest day of my entire life. This was before we discovered the power of fans.

The second hottest day of my entire life. Thank heaven for the amazing invention called fans.

Sweating it up on Lion's Rock. Oh yeah.

The coolest day temperature-wise we had in Hong Kong. Even though it was relatively "cool", we still NEEDED to keep cooler-ish by this point--enter the umbrellas and fans. Finally, I understood Chinese culture to a greater extent. Before they were beautiful and art pieces, they were practical so people wouldn't die.
So go to your local sauna/steam room and tell me what you think. Or even better, go to Hong Kong and take me and Andrew with you.


MaryAnne and Rusty said...

bwahaha! this made me laugh! looks like lots and lots of fun! (even though you can't enjoy a nice sauna)

Annie O Castro said...

i love hong kong so much...despite the humidity. i'll go back with you.

Melanie said...

I will probably never go to Hong Kong, but Florida was pretty humid when we went for Disney World. I'm sure it wasn't quite as bad as Hong Kong though.