Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our Little Kidney Baby

We went in for an ultrasound! It was due to health concerns about Andrew's kidneys and potential problems in there. I took pictures, of course.

Andrew and our funny ultrasound tech.
We told him that we were tired of people asking us about babies, so we were pretending this was a baby. He was all for that.

What a cute little kidney.

"It is a little too early to tell the gender!"
I was evil and posted the picture on facebook, wondering how many people would simply see an ultrasound and assume I was having a baby. I was really surprised by the number of people who did so! Anyway, I'm not pregnant and there was nothing wrong with Andrew's kidney, so the mystery continues.


Melanie said...

That's awesome. I'm happy the ultra sound tech was a nice one. :) And I hope Andrew's kidneys stay healthy.

Damaris said...

Ha ha! You're funny! I'm laughing anyway...

Chase and Amy said...

Awesome. :) I did have to wonder when I saw the picture on Facebook; it didn't quite have that little baby-bean look to it. :P What's up with Andrew?