Sunday, January 15, 2012

Farewell Grandparents!

Not my grandparents, but Andrew's. They are going on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and they are going the Alpine Mission, which is Austria, Switzerland, and Germany, and they will be working with young adults. Sounds like a fun mission to me. You can read about their adventures at their blog, which they haven't posted on yet.

All ten of the kids were there, so they had to get a family picture. Here is the chaos of such an event:

So many people....
 And I played with my boyfriend, Micheal. He is Andrew's cousins and he remembered me from Thanksgiving. He kept snuggling up with me. What a sweetheart!

The people not in the picture--also known as the in-laws and the grandchildren.

Walking with Micheal. It was like 57 degrees F outside. I could not believe this January weather!

Cousin time! Little Micheal with little Lydia. They were both wearing purple and so matching. How precious. 

Elise is going to become a nurse and needed to practice taking fifty people's blood pressures. Good thing she went to this party where there were fifty people. Oh man. And here, Wesley is dying since he is getting his blood pressure taken.

Family gathering pictures... Uncle Hans with his daughter Lydia, Andrew, and Uncle Eric's tummy.

Heidi, my mother-in-law with Lydia. Cute!

Micheal with Grandma. You know, leis are really amazing things.

All the cousins loved Lydia. She is a novelty since she came all the way from Virginia!

And Hans had this cool hat. So of course, we had to try it out. I think I'll try to crochet one...

"I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK. I sleep all night and I work all day!"

And then Elise had to practice shaving people. But I wondered, do CNAs usually shave people's faces or do they shave people's butts?

It was a crazy and loud day with a ton of people, but I had a good time. It was nice to see so many people, especially the aunt and uncles that live far away!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

How fun! ya, lots of people there. I hope you guys ate good food. :)