Friday, February 3, 2012


Ugghh because:

Sometimes Spanish makes me want to slit my wrists. I used to be that student who always scored the highest. Now I'm probably at the bottom of the heap.

Ugghh--why do I have to show competency in a language that is not even applicable to my research?

If you go to an Institute class that is in Spanish and therefore full of fresh returned missionaries, no one will want to be your friend when they notice your wedding ring. And you will sit all alone. And then you will be sad. But then not too sad cuz you are  happy you are married to a handsome man who speaks Chinese instead of Spanish. And then you will realize that it is probably better this way since all the fresh returned missionaries are 2 to 3 years younger than you.

Ugghh--why can't people just be friends instead of always being on the hunt?
Ugghh--when did I get so old?

I didn't go running today. I like running but I don't like exercising in the afternoon. I should have gone running right after my swim.

Ugghh--why am I so tired and dead in the afternoons?
Ugghh--when did I turn into one of those crazy active athletic people? It is exhausting.

That is all.


Melanie said...

Poor Sarah. Yes, it is silly how guys won't be your friend because you are married. I was talking to a guy in my institute class and he was really nice, then I was talking about Ross and he was all, "You're married?!" I'm all, "ya." He never sat by me again. Nincompoops.

The Bredthauers said...

Lol. I know that probably wasn't meant to be funny, but I couldn't help laughing. I know what you mean feeling'old' at USU. At least you'll be done SOON! Then you can move to a place where you feel young again :)

Jennifer said...

I thought you said that spinich makes you want to slit your wrists and I was going to agree with you. :) At least you usually hang out with other graduate students. Then you don't feel so old. By the way - I am 51.