Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's the Wedding!

Melanie and Ross got married on July 31. How happy for them. Due to a series of wardrobe malfunctions and memory lapses of appointment times, Andrew and I almost missed the sealing. But we made it to the Logan Temple on time! It was a nice sealing, and then THE PARTY BEGAN!!
Here, Leslie has a "bride" picture while holding the bouquet.

Me waving. Andrew straightened my hair cuz we were running so late. He was annoyed by the wave on my right side. It is the side that always gives me trouble, too.

Matt, my sweet little brother, was taking pictures. He actually got some pretty good ones! Also some funny ones, such as this one of a couple we don't even know. Alison loved her dress, and now it is immortalized for all time.

Alison's saucy face. I think she could be a Victoria's Secret Lotion model.

And then the newlyweds emerged!

Disco Ross.

Melanie and my Dad

Probably the COOLEST picture Matt took. I'm letting him borrow our camera more often! It is fun to have someone hyper taking the pictures.

Two pictures follow, and I can't decide which I like better.

They look happy, don't they?


Everything was beautiful and ready to go. Then came the massive thunderstorm, complete with heavy rain. Ultimately, we moved the reception into the house. About halfway through the reception, it cleared up and everyone moved outside.

Ashley Bland did the cupcakes and they were so cute! They were tasty, too. If you or anyone else needs some great cake for a good price, let me know and I will find out how to contact her. We grew up together, so I can give a plug for her cake-making-awesomeness.

Olya, Kaleb, and Baby Andrew came to the reception! We hadn't seen Olya and Baby Andrew since March, when they left for Russia. I am happy that they are back. Baby Andrew has gotten so big! I don't think he's a baby anymore, so maybe I'll have to start calling him Little Andrew.

Little Andrew loved all the lights outside for the reception.

My mother-in-law Heidi did all the decorations, and they were very lovely. She has done a lot of weddings. If you need flowers, let me know and I'll get you in contact with her.

Mel's colors were navy blue and silver - so Heidi used blueberries as a decorating element! The best part about this (besides looking summery) was that we got to eat them afterwards!

Beautiful lanterns.

Unfortunately, we didn't take a picture of my lovely matron-of-honor dress. It was pretty. Maybe someday you will see it.

Hooray for weddings and thank goodness it is over!


Jennifer said...

I love the pictures of the wedding, but I am not in any of them. What's with that. Maybe I wasn't around Matt enough. :)

A and H said...

Thanks so much for putting up pictures of Mel's wedding. I was out of town and unable to go. She looked gorgeous and I loved all the decorations.