Monday, August 23, 2010

A Computer Vacuum

I really want to tell you all about deep sea fishing in Washington cuz it was a blast! I can tell you about it, but you know me and my blog posts - I love to include pictures! This becomes a problem when you are in a computer vacuum.

Let me explain. This doesn't mean that all the computers around me suck (ha ha). It doesn't mean they have all imploded. It means:
  • My brother is beginning college at Utah Valley University and needed a laptop. Since he plans to serve as a missionary for two years in one year (he will leave in 2011), if he buys a new one, it will be pretty much obsolete by they time he returns. So, I gave my laptop to him, as it still runs very well despite being in use by moi for the past four years. In return, by dad is going half-and-half with me to buy a new computer.
  • I don't have my new desktop (!) yet. But I have picked it out. It is pretty and has a 20 inch screen. I really didn't feel the need to have a larger screen, or even one that size when all I do is write history papers and blog. I will get my computer on Wednesday when Andrew picks it up on his way back from hunting.
  • Thus, I am using Andrew's laptop. Last week, he wiped it totally clean and has not yet put all his picture files back on it. The pictures do exist in two locations: his camera, which is with him hunting (except cameras don't hunt, it is tagging along to take pictures of the elk we hope he will get), and on his external hard drive, which is conveniently located at my parents' house. So I cannot post pictures of deep sea fishing.
Those are the reasons why I am in a computer vacuum. I feel like I am surrounded by computers, but I can't get to the things I need. But it is all good. You'll see the pictures soon enough.

Another thing for you to consider and be angry about with me:

People who rent those storage PODS and put them in the parking lot right in front of your apartment, and to make it worse, it takes up two parking spaces and they put the PODS in the second and third spaces from your apartment door. Inconvenient? Yes, definitely. I'm trying to figure out who to complain to because we are also in RA limbo right now. It wouldn't be a problem if it were in the spots near the road where no one parks, but the freaking PODS is plopped right in the most competitive parking spot area. Now the Rock Star Parking Spot (the first one in the row, a mere 20 feet from my front door). I am angry. So I shall continue to stew as I blog and stare out of my window at that abominable PODS.

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