Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fish and Friends and other Randoms

Here are some random pictures that pretty much describe my life.

I was walking along and then I saw this and I laughed so hard.

I can just imagine the snowman saying, "I just took a nap and now there is this tree sticking through me." Poor fellow. This was about a month ago. Now the snow is almost all melted.

Andrew has a really bad cold. I have been taking good care of him and he has been drinking cough syrup.

Andrew helped Mark Twain and Squishy make three new friends this morning. What a fishy day! I call Mark Twain and Squishy my pigs cuz they truly are. Every time you walk into the room they swim to the top of the tank and flap their mouths like they want you to give them fish food or something. I am so glad that there are more fish to be friends.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

:) I really like your blog. It's just fun to read. I hope Andrew is feeling better.