Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hawaii - Day Ten

CHRISTMAS!! I don't know how, but Santa found us all the way in Honolulu!

When you are a grown up, the best part about Christmas is watching really cute little kids open their presents, be totally in awe of it, watch their parents yank it out of their hands and give them another to open so they don't have to sit there all day waiting for him to open his presents.

Andrew and I got kick butt Walnut shirts from Hans. The Walnut is the pride of the Coast Guard because it still manages to float.

Andrew got an ukulele and couldn't put it down. Wow, Santa is amazing.

Andrew and CK played with the little train set.

Us with Airforce One. Because Mr. President was in Hawaii, I got id-ed twice coming into Honolulu. I am an obvious terrorist.
We went through Pali Pass to get to Bellows. When the king of some island was conquering Oahu, there was a terrible battle and about 300 warriors fell off the cliff. Now, you can't get through the pass if you have kalua pig unless you have a warrior with you. Thank goodness we have warrior Dave.

Andrew and I looking dorky.

Andrew looking cool as he jumps off the skim board at Bellows.

This picture is for everyone who said, "I thought you went to Hawaii. Why don't you have a tan, Sarah?" See the rain? Two of the times we went to the beach it was cloudy or rained. Regardless, I went to the beach on Christmas!


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