Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hawaii - Day Nine

It is Christmas Eve!!

This is a tree mold. Back in the day when the lava was flowing by our bed and breakfast, a tree got in the way. The lava went around it and then the tree caught fire. Now there is a hole in that pile of lava where the tree was. Cool, huh?

We went back to Volcanoes National Park and checked out some more stuff. This is a steam vent where rain water is heated by the intense geothermal heat. And then people throw money in the holes.

Andrew looking at the volcano.

There she blows!

Me looking at the volcano.

The sulfur banks looked (and smelled) a whole lot like Yellowstone. So if you want to see sulfur all over rocks and smell rotten eggs, save yourself some money and go to Wyoming instead.

Then we went to the zoo. This parrot had a whole list of words that he could say. Andrew and I kept repeating, "Aloha! Aloha!" And he just stared at us. Suddenly, the parrot exclaimed, "Barbara!" Random.

Pretty flowers. :)

The white tiger, Namaste. He is the reason we went to the zoo. This zoo was comparable to the Willow Park Zoo in Logan, but bigger and had something cool. Well, Willow Park does have an albino porcupine.

And then we flew "home" to Oahu to celebrate Christmas Eve Storrer style - in our PJs.

Hans and Sheree's idea of the warm glow of a cozy fire.

Here are several things to note. Hans looks possessed. CK almost has his finger up his nose. Alura is embarrassed of her "Moo-ey Christmas and Udderly Good New Year" shirt. And I actually got to see real live missionaries! That's cuz in Utah there is like one companionship to 20 stakes.

Andrew and Hans really like CK's new car track.

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