Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hawaii - Day Six

We drove to Laie on this day.

We visited the Laie Temple, which is closed for remodeling.

And then we headed to the PCC, or the Polynesian Cultural Center.
Here, Andrew plays a game in "Tonga."

Alison and I wove fish out of the leaves of the coconut tree.

Ali and I learned to hula.

And then they had a canoe show that featured dancers from all of the "islands" that the PCC focuses on.



In Tahiti, they do the fast hip-shaking dance that a lot of people think the hula is. Really, the hula is slower.

New Zealand or Aotearoa:


This guy was in the Samoan village and he was really funny. Ali liked that he didn't have his shirt on.

I really liked the dances from Aotearea.

In "Tahiti" Andrew learned how to do the men's dance.

And Alison was invited up to the state to dance the fast hip-shaking dance with a shirtless man. GO ALI!

And then she got a lovely flower thing to wear, and she was laughing. I think she did a great job doing the Tihitian dance.

Andrew and I at the luau with our kukua nut leis.

We got these great drinks at the luau: a smoothie in a pineapple! It was so wonderful.

And the tropical plants had Christmas lights on them.

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