Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hawaii - Day Four

This was a fun day. We had spent the night with Sheree and CK and then went parasailing with Dave. Too bad Sheree couldn't come with cuz of CK (and there was no room on the boat for non-fliers).

CK is so darn cute, he almost gives Lucy a run for her money.

Alison and I on a dock with yellow fishes swimming around us. THE VISION! So I had this dream that Alison and I were on a dock in Hawaii and there were scary yellow fishes. The dock was really narrow and it sagged and we had to cross it. When we got to the beach a monkey came and stole something from Alison's purse. While we were trying to get it back, the monkey threw a dust pan at my head. And then we went to the Polynesian Culture Center and they fed us roast beef (lame). That was my dream. Don't judge my dreams. Everyone has weird dreams, mine are just uber weird.

Anyway, in the morning I told Andrew. He said, "Why don't you invite Alison?" So I texted her and she asked if I was serious and I was like, "Totally!" and she was like, "Wow ya for sure." And that is the story of how Alison came to Hawaii with us.

Sail boats.

The beach next to Waikiki (it is over past the bend). This was the worst beach we went to. It was rocky and planty and it didn't help that the day was cold.


Andrew decided that he was so ridiculously good looking that he should become a male model.

Work it, babe. Oh I love it.

I just feel so much energy coming from you, babe. Work it!

And then Al showed him how it was done.

A fish like Gill from Finding Nemo.

Dave and Alura going parasailing.

Alison (on the left) and Sheree's aunt Lanaire from Maui (it was her birthday) parasailing.

Andrew and I parasailing. The whole time, I was terrified of the ocean. The flying part was awesome! But the ocean is scary. It was big and gray and sharks and jellyfish live there.

Doing Andrew's favorite Asian pose (we actually saw the Japanese people on the boat with us doing it for a picture, which was hilarious to us).

Me grimacing after then splashed us in the water. I was certain that a shark would jump out of the water and rip our legs off.

Sheree and CK on the beach. Besides it being a crappy beach, it was a cold day, which makes being on the beach in Hawaii almost totally useless.

But since CK likes to play in the water, Andrew and I went out with him. CK wanted to continue the fun game of 'knocking' Andrew over. I held CK and he 'dunked' Andrew.

Cute kid. I can hardly stand it.

And then he was plumb tuckered out.

Then we went to Sheree's ward Christmas party which was a luau. I won that pineapple because I knew that the 'base end' connects the frond of the coconut tree to the trunk. I also tried haupia which is delicious.

It was a good day, and a fun one, too.

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