Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm in love! I'm in love! And I don't care who knows it!

And I quote the movie Elf. It is fantastic. I think Buddy the Elf is hi-larious! Especially when he dances around and jumps across on the crosswalk, and even when he puts maple syrup (bleck) on everything. And I think he copied me in his quote: "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." Except lately, I haven't been singing Christmas songs. It is more like...
Let me tell you why I'm in love so much. Because I'm madly in love with my fiance! Let me tell you how awesome and absolutely amazing he is!

We went to his house in SLC on Sunday to visit and make his mom (who just had surgery) feel better. Andrew needed to find his toga from 6th grade to take to my family's toga party that evening. He found an old astronaut jumpsuit from 5th grade, and went to try it on. Oh my gosh. The sleeves went to mid arm and the legs to mid calf, and he had a super wedgie. It was so awkward! But so dang funny cuz he was strutting around, posing, and just being a goof ball. I love him! I would post a picture, but his parents took it and that might be embarassing for him. Maybe I'll email his mom and get one anyway; it's not like he checks my blog. I love that he is such a goofball.

I have been a bit of a grump the past two days. Last night after he dropped me off, I went home and then I got a text that read: "Sorry if I kind of pushed you out of the car. I had to poop." Oh my gosh, I almost died laughing. Andrew, I so didn't need to know that! But I laughed and I love that we can be that open with each other.

Continuing on with my grumpiness, all day I have been getting sweet texts from him about how pretty I am, and how much he loves me, and how excited he is to marry me, and that really made me feel happier and less grumpy. Sometimes he is so sweet. :D

Anyway, the point is that I just love Andrew and I feel so blessed that he is in my life and I am so excited to marry him and to get to know all the really weird things about him that his mom won't tell me cuz she doesn't want me to call the wedding off.

1 comment:

Chase and Amy said...

Yay for love! It was good to see you yesterday, sorry I couldn't talk very long! :)