Monday, January 26, 2009

26 Random Facts About Me

Perhaps you want to know some random things about me. If so, you should continue to read.

1) My least favorite chores are folding and ironing laundry. I used to think that scrubbing the toilet was the worst thing on the planet, but then I moved out and my mom wasn't around to fold or iron for me. I have to do it all myself. :P

2) I wish my goldfish pooped less. I have to clean their tank soon cuz it is getting gross.

3) I ate half of a huge gourmet pizza with a friend, named Jordan, he's on a mission in North Carolina. It was delicious. The pizza was from Firehouse in Logan, and was Texas BBQ flavored. I didn't want to throw up until we had the Fzzookie (that is a hot cookie with ice cream on it) after.

4) My secret dream occupation would be a 1980s rock star.

5) I like to color with crayons and finger paints. I got a princess coloring book from Andrew for Christmas, and we finger painted at FHE last week.

6) My knees pop when I crouch or kneel or put weight on my knees.

7) I love dark chocolate.

8) I rub my eyebrows when I'm thinking or reading. When other people rub my eyebrows I almost fall asleep and get totally relaxed.

9) I secretly want to work at Costa Vida, Cafe Rio, or Chipotle so I can steal their recipes and learn how to make delicious burritos and tortillas.

10) I am the proud owner of red slippers from China.

11) I enjoy wiping mud all over my body.

12) I have made one quilt and am working on one with ladybugs on it. I'm also working on one with my friend Tasha for our friend who is getting married.

13) I don't have a fully developed brain yet. Your brain is fully formed by age 25.

14) I have a gecko named Grendel who eats wanna-be Vikings (crickets).

15) I drink a mug of hot chocolate almost every night. It warms my soul. And mostly my body cuz I live in freezing cold Logan.

16) The most painful shot I have ever had was in my left nostril when I got my nose cauterized. After the shot, I couldn't feel the electricity burning my blood vessel.

17) I have a habit of saying things that can be construed to be incredibly scandalous.

18) I can ride my bike with no handlebars.

19) My room is a disaster and desperately needs to be cleaned. Don't worry, in three days, Andrew is having a man night with some buddies so I can tidy things up.

20) I now know how to do flip turns when swimming!

21) My sister and I are in a ballet class together and we like to pretend to be really good at ballet. We both want POOF tutus.

22) I haven't been flossing regularly lately. :( I need to take good care of my teeth cuz I don't know if I will have dental insurance once I get married.

23) I fear that my car doors will be frozen shut in the morning.

24) I make wishes when the clock says it is 11:11.

25) I wish that when I brought my umbrella with me, I actually used it.

26) My idea of a perfect date is one where Andrew and I are outside doing something, like hiking, skiing, or whatever and just having a jolly old time together. We generally do have jolly old times.

There is a spattering of random facts about me.


Karen said...

I have got some great wanna be recipes for Cafe Rio. I will get them to you and they are easy.

Chase and Amy said...

I totally remember about the whole eyebrow thing! Remember in 6th grade when we had a conversation about you rubbing your eyebrows in the lunch line? Great times. :)