Thursday, October 4, 2012

The End is Near!


 I'm feeling huge. I'm 36 weeks. I can't sleep.

I've only gained 30 pounds, but it is a good motivation to never get truly fat.

The baby's head is down! Go go Baby Girl! Therefore, there is a butt lodged up in my ribs. It makes it hard to bend over. But, I can still touch my toes.

 I'm also getting all the stereotypical pregnancy symptoms. I'm sick to my stomach, have some heartburn, emotional, achy. I pee even more than usual. My abdomen hurts when I stand up.

 My pregnancy has been really smooth, but now I am done.

I'm still walking about three miles a day. Slower and slower and slower.

Come on Baby Girl! We are ready for you!


Kristen said...

I too have had a pretty easy pregnancy and have really enjoyed it, but last week I hit my wall and I am done - ready for her to come any time now. The butt in the ribs and inability to sleep is getting old. You look great. Good luck!!

Rachel said...

Aww...congrats on your pregnancy. I just had a baby girl so I can sympathise with being so uncomfortable. It won't be long though!