Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Break Adventure #4: Corn Maze

After doing apples (APPLES!!!) we went to the corn maze in a beautiful evening of sibling bonding. Plus me who is not a sibling but is an in-law and Maren who neither a sibling nor an in-law.

I learned that in Salt Lake City you have to drive for half an hour to get to a corn maze, unlike Logan where you drive for five minutes or Kaysville where you drive for ten minutes to get to a corn maze. The big city is a crazy place.

Elise and Hannah. They led the way. Although Andrew told them which way to turn.

Me and Andrew in amongst the corn.

Maren and Wes---watch it Wes, that hand is ON her waist.
And after we got out of the maze and found all ten numbers, we had to get our pictures and Frankenstein's monster and his bride.

Elise and Hannah

Wesley and Maren

Andrew and me
What a fun time. We did not go to the haunted part cuz that would have been traumatic. And I would have peed my pants. Plus, we couldn't have had sibling bonding in the corn if we were running away from terror incarnate.


Rachelle said...

Looks so fun! I love going to the corn maze!

Melanie said...

I'm happy you were not poisoned by any aliens while you were in that corn!

The Bredthauers said...

um...I went to BYU for 3 years and never heard of that, so careful with those generalizations...maybe it's just your crazy friends, lol. Looks fun! Greg and I wanted to go to a corn maze and there are NONE where we live (which is weird because we are SURROUNDED by corn!). Can't wait to see you guys at Ali's wedding!