Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Break Adventure #2: Little Wild Horse Canyon and Bell's Canyon

After Goblin Valley, we drove down the road to a trail for Little Wild Horse Canyon, which loops up with Bell's Canyon. The hike was about 8.5 miles and we did not stop once. We are strong.

Also, it was pretty much a photo shoot of me cuz Andrew had the camera. I'm so proud that he is starting to take pictures of people.

I loved the seam of red rock in this cliff.

I'm a woman and I fit in a slot canyon!
My brother Matt told me slot canyons weren't shaped for women. Granted, this is a fat slot canyon.

I'm climbing the walls!

Holding up a rock with my pinky.

The only water we saw the whole time.

The moon as we enter Bell's Canyon.

A monster rock.

Going down into Bell's Canyon.

Sandstone that looks like wood.

We've hiked 8.5 miles without stopping...

A happier version of me.

Me on a cliff.

And the "really really really real Mater." I quote Andrew. Mater lives in Gunnison.
Great hike. Really great. My calf muscles and heel tendons burned. There were a lot of families there doing the first half of Little Wild Horse. I would not categorize this as a "family-friendly" hike. We were stuck in a tiny slot canyon with a family group of 50 people and they were SO SLOW cuz they had to lift toddlers and older out-of-shape people over six foot rocks. This hike requires you to climb over these rocks. Be warned, but if you are up to it, it is great.


Becky J said...

Do you realize why I like geology?

Erica said...

Very cool pictures. You guys are crazy outdoor people and I admire you for that.