Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Good news! Our credit card number appears to have been stolen.

This is the third time that something like this has happened to me and I AM SICK OF IT.

I'm really careful with my card and I am cautious shopping on the internet.

The first time I got a call from a debt collection agency and it wasn't my debt. This Las Vegas credit card had been opened when I was 16. I had to get a detective and everything.

The second time I got a letter from a debt collection agency and I told them it wasn't my debt. I didn't follow through with that one as well cuz I had just gotten married and was in denial.

This time, someone made purchases at Paramount Supplements for male enhancement supplements, anti aging, prohormones, and ephedra diet pill. And the other purchase was at WrestleMania. Both came out of Cincinnati.

I'm not happy. I'm sick of people stealing my identity. Get your own.

BE HONEST! for goodness sake.

Enjoy some identity theft commercials:

And something from The Office cuz it aired about the first time my identity was stolen:

Because seriously, am I the sort of girl who orders male enhancements and stuff from WrestleMania?

1 comment:

Ashley said...

ugh. I know!! We've had our account number and credit card numbers stolen 3 times since we've been married. It's SOOO frustrating! We're really careful with ours too, so I know how you feel. The sad thing is, there really isn't much you can do about it. :( Male enhancements huh??? I can't see you making those purchases. ;)