Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Long Wait for Some Good News

Yesterday I went to the doctor for a follow-up appointment. At my women's health exam in November, the doctor suspected that I had asthma because she detected a slight wheeze and I have eczema (which apparently is related to asthma). So I sat in the waiting room for 25 minutes before they called me to an examination room. I sat on the crinkly paper on the table while the nurse took my blood pressure, my pulse, and the dates of my last period. And then she left and I sat there. After 15 minutes, I got off the examination table. My tailbone was starting to hurt and I had a lot of homework. I began to read articles for my environmental history seminar. After 15 more minutes, I began to suspect that they had forgotten me. It was after 5 p.m. and I was a little worried that I would trapped in the Student Health and Wellness Center. I texted Andrew and kept reading. Finally, I decided to poke my head out of the room to see if anyone was around. The doctor saw me and said she'd be right with me. And so, 45 minutes after I sat down in the examination room, the doctor came. She looked at the data I had brought with me from my Peak Flow measurements (it measures how much one can exhale) and complimented the chart. Good job Andrew! It was very detailed and had spots for the date, type of exercise, length of exercise, and then three slots for each PFM in the morning, before/during/after the workout, and at night, the average of each test, and the percent of what I should be hitting (475). The doctor said she wished all her patients kept such meticulous records. And then she said, "Well, I was wrong! You don't have asthma." Awesome. And then I walked home and felt winded climbing up the hill and having bus exhaust blow in my lungs.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

man, that's lame that you had to wait for so long. I'm happy you don't have asthma though. That is good. :)