Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hooray for Missionaries!

One of my best friends, Erika, just got her mission call yesterday. She will serve in the Leeds, England mission. I am really excited for her and happy that she made the decision to share the Gospel with people for a year and a half. When she called me yesterday to tell me, her voice sounded like it was dancing! That's how excited she is.

I recently had a missionary experience here in Washington. In the hot tub, no less. This guy asked us what the deal was about getting married in the Temple. Andrew explained that we believe that in the Temple, families are sealed and will be together for eternity. The guy asked about what you have to do to get in, and Andrew explained about following Church doctrine, and mentioned the Word of Wisdom as an example.

I learned a few things from this experience. First of all, I knew how to answer his questions, even though Andrew did the talking. Second, I realized that it isn't too hard to have a simple conversation about the Gospel. People won't hate you as long as you don't cram it down their throats.

I'm very grateful that I could have a missionary experience. I always wanted to serve a mission, as Erika is going to, but that isn't how my life worked out. I'm glad that I can still be a missionary with the people I interact with everyday.

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