Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fly Fishing

On Saturday, Andrew and I went on a fly fishing trip. It was my idea of an anniversary gift. We have been looking forward to this trip for a month and a half. We originally were going to go after steelhead (massive troutish things that can live in the ocean and spawn in freshwater, and are similar to salmon in that respect), but the season has died off, so we went to the Yakima for trout.

Here, our guide Joe helps Andrew with his flies. We liked talking with Joe. He was a funny guy who was really passionate about fly fishing. He was really good at casting. I picked it up quickly but I think I need to practice.

The Yakima was a beautiful river that flowed east! For some reason, that surprised me. Probably cuz all the rivers I have know flow west. It was odd cuz we are on the west side of the continental divide, so I assumed they all flow west. The Yakima flows off the east side of the Cascades and eventually joins up with the Columbia, which does flow west.

Andrew was a better fly fisher than I. He was a little frustrated though cuz his wrist has been bothering him for a few days and it became really painful for him during the last legs of our journey.

And here is a picture of me so you know I was really on the trip. I am wearing my dead sexy waders. I also love that you can see my arms and the camera in my sunglasses.

We both caught small rainbow trout. A big daddy fish grabbed my flies but I was so surprised, I didn't know what to do. We did not catch any big fish, which was disappointing. We got very few bites. Maybe we'll have to fish another day.

But as Andrew's shirt says, "A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of working."

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