Monday, July 26, 2010

The Biggest Nerds...

...Make the Best Husbands.
Please note that Andrew is wearing an MIT t-shirt and a NASA hat. He was just looking through his star atlas. Instead of saying, "cheese" he is saying, "Science!"

But he is still a great husband.

  1. Because he is so nerdy and smart at computers, he can help me fix my computer! Even when I'm waiting at an airport and can't figure out the wireless, he can usually guide me through it on the phone.
  2. He's really helpful around the house. I just have to put a TV show on the computer and he will scrub all the dishes every nice. And then he gets really appreciative cuz I made yummy food.
  3. He wants to watch the documentaries sometimes. :D I love those things AND we get to cuddle. We watched some very cool ones about radioactivity in the Bikini Islands from the Cold War.
  4. We can make lots of puns and allusions and we both get it (except when he does Math ones).
  5. We get free Chinese drinks cuz his Cantonese is so good.
  6. He is pretty much always at home in the evenings. He has too much homework to go out and do manly things like play basketball at the Church or soccer in the field. He would go play soccer, but as I said before, he has too much homework during the school year.
  7. He knows how all the rides at Disneyland work so he can explain it to you. I learned about 3-D glasses while we were there. The Haunted Mansion with the ghosts riding in your hearse are still somewhat mysterious. Andrew knows that there has to be a double mirror in there somewhere.
  8. For an engineer, he's pretty social in small groups, namely groups of two. As I like to point out when mocking certain other engineer relatives, he actually HAS a wife. He wins.
  9. He is loyal and faithful and true and very supportive.
  10. We are both geniuses in different fields, so I don't have to have a husband who is not as brilliant as I.
  11. And Andrew is a super nerd and he is awesome and therefore we can deduce through logic that he is THE BEST husband.
Andrew rocks.

I am in Utah this week and he is alone in Washington. Poor baby. :( He is going to be eating very manly foods. Burritos, potatoes, chili, lil' Smokies, sandwiches, and cereal. Very manly and not very varied. We bought enough fruit so he will have some every day. I just hope he eats his veggies in the evenings.

If your husband isn't a nerd, I'm sorry. That is very sad for you.


Ashley said...

Yay for nerdy husbands! Who doesn't love a nerd, right?

The Bredthauers said...

hahahaha. You crack me up!
PS - I will see you this weekend!

Chase and Amy said...

Nerd hubbies are the best!

Carmel said...

Yep, have to agree. Nerds make good husbands. Glad things are so good for you guys! Enjoy the last year in Aggie Village! unless of course he does grad school...