Monday, July 19, 2010

Grueling Serenity

On Andrew's day off, we decided to hike to Lake Serene.

Jumping off of a log that looks like a diving board. I didn't know it was so thin until after and I looked at it.

Th hike was intense. It was nice and easy for the first 2 miles, and then the last 2 miles were grueling. We went up and up and up these stairs up to the top of the mountain. I think I almost died. It was an intense calf, thigh, and butt workout. Hopefully, all of the above look exceedingly hot now. Andrew was proud of himself for wearing me out for two days.

We made it!

Our chipmunk friend to whom we fed cherries to.

Andrew foolishly read a fishing report on the lake before we went. There were many fish surfacing, but he doesn't have a pole or a license right now. The fish were taunting him: "Ha ha, you can't get us cuz you don't have a fishing pole!" He thought it was quite rude of the fish.

Serene, huh?

See the really pointy mountain? I told Andrew that if I were a tree, I would want to live on that pointy part. He pointed out to me that, as a tree, I wouldn't have a choice in where I lived. But it still would have been awesome.

Looking ponderous over the hugeness of the mountain we just climbed.

I had to go to the bathroom and this was the toilet of serenity that I used.


Melanie said...

I'm glad that you made a chipmonk friend, and that you found a toilet of serenity to use. :)

Erica said...

You two are quite the outdoors(wo)men. I'm impressed! Everything looks so beautiful

The Bredthauers said...

WOW! SO Pretty! Looks like you guys are finding some fun adventures to go on :) -Stacy