Thursday, July 22, 2010


On Saturday we drove to
(whenever you read those words, shout in a voice like "TROGDOR"! That's how I did it, and it will be like you were with me on the trip. )

I am officially a world traveler. I got my passport just so we could go to CANADA and experience a foreign country. My passport makes me think of Jason Bourne. Stupid blog won't let me upload a picture of Jason Bourne. He is way hot and buff. But not as much as Andrew. He (meaning Jason Bourne) has tons of passports. Andrew only has one passport. I love those movies. Listen to the music and pretend that it is the soundtrack to our CANADIAN international and potentially dangerous travels!

The CANADIAN border crossing! Way intimidating. Sometimes, I didn't know if we would get across. Thank goodness we didn't bring any produce, or we could have been taken into custody and questioned. Since Andrew and I are so kick butt, just like Jason Bourne, we could have handled it. I was a little angry cuz they didn't stamp my passport. I have no proof that I'm an international traveler. :(

But it's OK cuz I have this picture that shows my enthusiasm for being an international world traveler! I'm screaming, "CANADA!!!!"

We went to the Vancouver Temple, and it was dedicated in May of this year. It was really little, but so pretty inside. I'm glad we could go to the Temple. It's free. It's also really in Willougby. We tried to only do free things in Canada.

Totem Poles at Stanley Park in Vancouver - also a free activity. Parking was not free, though. I hope that if there is another Bourne movie, they include CANADA.

Vancouver, CANADA

Me and some bridge.

There was a cultural demonstration from some Aboriginals in the Park. It was pretty cool and made me think of when I went to a Pow Wow. Except, these guys are definitely not Navajo. They live in CANADA!

There were beautiful flowers all over the place. I guess CANADA has a good flower-growing climate.

Hydrangeas the color of the ones from my wedding.

Beautiful roses.

Andrew's beautiful and artistic photo of pink hydrangeas.

Andrew drinking CANADIAN Dr. Pepper. Apparently, it's way better cuz it doesn't have High-Fructose Corn Syrup in it. In CANADA they use real sugar.

That's probably what makes Jason Bourne so cool. He doesn't drink that HFCS crap.

I tried to get a picture, but I couldn't cuz we were driving too fast. We went 100 kilometers! It was exciting, cuz I have never driven 100 anything.

At the end of the day, we were way happy to get back to the USA. Hooray for America! There are much better roads here than in CANADA.

The Border Patrol asked if we had any produce. We didn't. We also decided it wouldn't have been good to say, "No produce, only Mexicans."

So now, like Jason Bourne, I can proudly say that I am an awesomely cool international world traveler. I'm not on the run like he is, thought. Except I might be had I actually brought in any Mexicans.


Melanie said...

not gonna lie, the picture of you shouting CANADA is kind of creepy.... I'm happy you had fun though. :)

ScottBoomer said...

Congratulations on becoming a world traveler.

Andrew said...

Ummm... Sarah... I have to break it to you. We didn't make it 100 kilometers into Canada. We only made it about 30 miles (60 kilometers-ish). And we barely drove 100 kilometers 'per hour'.