We have a foodie-in-the-making on our hands---and we couldn't be happier!
We made some congee for breakfast. Congee is overboiled rice with chicken and ginger and it is absolutely delicious. It is a Chinese food.
We gave Rachel some.
She loved it. Absolutely could not get enough of it.
But we didn't take the ginger out when we put it in the fridge, and it kept exuding delicious ginger flavor. When I gave it to Rachel the next day, she threw it all up.
So we decided we should get her some rice cereal that doesn't have ginger in it.
And she seemed very disappointed about it. Bland. Blah. No ginger to spice things up.
The past two nights we have given her rice cereal mixed with homemade applesauce, which she adores almost as much as the congee.
I think next we will try some butternut squash and then some avocados. We bought the rice cereal so she has to eat it. We'll just find out some ways to spice it up. I'm thinking that in a few weeks, I will sprinkle some curry on it.
To those of you appalled that we feed our baby congee and curry, don't be alarmed. When I was pregnant, curry was the thing that settled my stomach. And she drinks curry-of-flame milkshakes all the time. I will just put a little bit on and see how she likes it.
9 years ago
None of my babies would eat just plain rice cereal, I always mixed it with one of their baby jars, usually a fruit one. Or I would make it plain with milk, formula or water, then sprinkle a touch of sugar on it. I always tasted everything before feeding it to the baby, so I know what all the different variations taste like.
Yes! Feed her as many awesome flavors as you can! Can't wait to hear how the curry goes!
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