Monday, August 20, 2012

Aunt Sarah Fest!

I went to Utah two weeks ago and it was nice. I will post more about that later, but for now, you need to know that I chilled with my nephew Nigel for a day. I finally become an aunt and then I move away. You'd think I didn't appreciate aunt-dom. But I do.

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I think Nigel was happy to see me! Well, I'll pretend. Usually he stared at me like this:

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"Who in the heck is this crazy woman?!?!"

Nigel with Grandma:
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Resting with Aunt Sarah and sitting on his cousin:
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Whenever Nigel was on the floor, Sparky was very interested in him.
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Sparky isn't very good at holding still for the camera.

Taking a nap in Grandma's cold house. I probably took a nap, too. Also, I was considerate and turned off my flash so I wouldn't wake him.
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Going to a family party with that crazy lady again.
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It was cold at Grandma's house. Melanie did not pack any PJs for Nigel. So, he got to wear some of his cousin's girl pants.
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Cute girl pants, little man.

In the morning, still while wearing the girl pants, Nigel got to go on a lovely walk with Aunt Sarah and Sparky.
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Sparky actually did pretty well not getting in the way of the stroller and was happy to go on a long long walk. Me too. I love going on walks. I love walking the dog. I love pushing strollers on a walk. Walking is just a good thing. And this walk was good, too. Nigel slept most of the time. And then one of the back wheels fell off the stroller. Yeah... so it wasn't locked in place. Ha ha. Good thing we were close to Grandma's house and we could call her and she came to save us.

And we had a great time together before Nigel went to Ephraim and I went to Logan.
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I am a good aunt, even though I'm usually at a distance. :)


Karen said...

You are a good aunt.

Melanie said...

I"m happy you had fun with Nigel, even though you put him in flowery girl pants.