Monday, August 13, 2012

28.5 Weeks Along

I'm not very good at doing pregnancy updates, and I'm not sure if anyone else really cares besides me and probably my mom. I forced Andrew to take my picture cuz I looked so dang cute for church in my new maxi skirt from his mom. Also, I'm finally looking quite pregnant. One sister at church told me I looked so cute and pregnant and then later that day, another sister asked if I was pregnant (she didn't want to insult me). These are the first comments of positive pregnant affirmation! Yay! When I was in Utah last week, people just asked if I could look pregnant (I guess I didn't). So hearing people say I looked cute and pregnant was a good thing. I also realized that I am actually 7 months along. You know, when you think in weeks, the months thing is just confusing.



Oh for cute.

Also, do you like our family pictures wall? Andrew is working on photoshopping some new pictures for the collage.

So, cute bloggers do little updates. I'm not really a cute blogger, but here are some random pregnancy-related things to tell you about.

  • I learned some German folk wisdom from Oma on Friday. "When the mother scratches her belly, it means the baby's hairs are growing." Of course, it sounds wiser in German. My tummy has been very itchy. We'll see if the folk wisdom hold true! But maybe I will have a baldy.
  • I feel her kick throughout the day, but yesterday, I think I actually felt her body inside me. Andrew felt it first when he was squishing my belly. I don't push on my tummy cuz it makes me feel weird, but he has no problem squishing me or jiggling me. There was a hard thing and then it was gone. Dad is already a tease. So that was cool.
  • I can still touch my toes, do push ups (45 today!), sit cross-legged on the floor to stretch or other floor things, and walk 3+ miles each day. My mom and MIL were both impressed.
  • The glucose test was not all that bad. I just got a little dizzy and was WAY hungry. Also, I got poked more than I was supposed to and the person had to dig around a bit cuz my veins were hiding, so then I got bruises. My doctor's appointment is tomorrow, so we'll see how that went.
  • Tomorrow is also our first childbirth class. I have no idea what that will be like. I hope that Andrew doesn't pass out while I am giving birth in a few weeks.
  • On Saturday we bought some plastic shelving and cleaned up some of our crap. The bedroom/junk room/study is clean! It makes me really excited and happy every time I walk in there. We are having a baby and her half of the room sure looks like it! The other side isn't looking too bad either--progress!

And that is that. Being pregnant is fun.


Rachelle said...

I LOVE YOUR PICTURES!!!!! I like to see your cute preggo self :)

Eliza said...

You are adorable. I agree with you that being able to feel more than a kick or a punch here and there is an awesome experience!

Karen said...

I read your blog too, so it is not just your mom.
I am glad you are enjoying being pregnant. It is an amazing time.