Thursday, December 15, 2011

Alison's Wedding: The Reception

The wedding reception was at the Wight House in Bountiful.
Al's colors were hot pink and black. I was in charge of the guest book, music, and bubbles at the end.

Lucy holding Alison's dress.
There are several funny things about this picture.
First, Lucy is wearing the "goth dress". She did not want to wear the dress because it was goth and goth is bad. Finally, Ariane got her into it. And she wasn't even too angry about it.
Second, Lucy holding Alison's dress. It reminded me so much of when my Aunt Louise got married. I was four and I was like Franc from Father of the Bride. I helped Louise with her dress, told her and Brent how to kiss, and on and on. So funny. Four year old girls and their aunts' weddings. So funny.
Third, Alison's face. I don't know what she is saying or who she is bossing around, but it is a great face.

Uncle Paul (the father of the bride) holding his grandbabies, Beckham and Jack.

Uncle Paul with all his grandkids. From left to right: Britain, Beckham, Uncle Paul/Grandpa, Lucy, Jack, and Brayden. They are all really cute. Uncle Paul looks so happy.

Me and Greg, looking a whole lot like a couple. Which makes me think of the picture below.

Me, baby Lucy, and Greg at the Fourth of July parade. We make such a cute little family. Too bad we are cousins and that is DISGUSTING!!!!

Now, back to the wedding.

The chaos of a family picture. Brooke and Tyler holding Beckham, Brayden and Britain in front of them; Kendall and Alison; Greg and Stacy; Scott holding Jack, Lucy and Ariane with rose in teeth.

Me and Alison!
You can finally see my beautiful dress! I love it so much.
I also love Alison. We are best cousins/friends.

Me and Alison again.

Me and the top of Al's head.

Dad holding baby Jack. He will be a good grandpa someday.
And I would have taken more pictures, and specifically a picture of me in my beautiful dress and Andrew wearing is studly and handsome pink tie, but my camera ran out of battery life. So thus ends the chronicle of the reception.


Melanie said...

I'm happy you finally posted on your blog. I have been bored without it!

The Bredthauers said...

Love these pics. Might steal the one where you and Greg are a couple. Ha ha, and I can just picture 4 year old you telling Louise what to do on her wedding day!