Sunday, June 13, 2010

Washington VS Switzerland

No, this isn't some sort of sporting event. It's the many similarities between Washington between Switzerland. According to Andrew, now that I've been to Washington, I don't need to go to Switzerland.

So... GUESS!!!! Washington or Switzerland?
Switzerland or Washington?Washington or Switzerland?
Switzerland or Washington?

Washington or Switzerland?

All right. Now you'll have to wait until the end to find out the answers. Here are some examples of why I supposedly do not need to go to Switzerland.

Cute picturesque small villages in a German theme.
Paulsbo, Washington - Fassmann family trip 2005 (I wasn't there. Cuz I wasn't married to Andrew. Cuz I was still in high school).
A Swiss Village taken by Aunt Karen, on a trip that Andrew went on.

Another similarity is river gorges that look like lakes that have winding roads around them. Aka, Interlaken.This one is taken at the Columbia River Gorge. We are facing Washington! Andrew told me it looked just like Interlaken in Switzerland. The roads wind around the lakes. Apparently they are similar.

And then things got worse, when we found a park in Seattle called Interlaken park. Here I am by the sign that says Interlaken Drive. We didn't take any pictures of the park, but it was very lush and green. There were trails all over the hillside. It seemed rather Swiss.

This is a winding road in Austria, but it's close enough to Switzerland. All of those puny sized countries could fit inside Washington, anyway.

Small cars are also something common. This picture was take at Golden Gardens Park, Seattle, WA.

The same small make of car in the same color in Paris, France.

Large Snow Capped Mountains

Mt. Ranier looms in the distance...

The Moench mountain. It is in the Alps. Not the Cascades.

Lovely mountain waterfalls.
Middle Falls, Wallace State Park, Washington (I've already blogged about this so you should be familiar with it already.)

Waterfall in Grindelwald, Switzerland.

The scariest thing is even the temples are similar.

Seattle, Washington Temple.

Bern, Switzerland Temple - oh I found a difference! The sun is shining in Switzerland!

Can't you just see Maria/Julie Andrews running up these slopes (in WA)?
The hills are alive with the sound of music. (Aaaaaa) The songs they have sung, for a thousand yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrsssssssssssss!!!
OK, now for the answers!

All the pictures at the beginning are from the Pacific Northwest. The first three were taken in Washington, and the fourth was taken in Oregon. Ha ha! Trick question. :)

Oh yes. You can even buy Swiss Chocolate in Washington.
I love dark chocolate. You should all visit Lindt's website and drool over the slideshow of chocolate photos.

So, do you think I need to go to Switzerland? I still think I need to. And if Andrew won't, his mom said she would take me.


Ben said...

Hey, I am LDS too--- I hope this makes it at least a little less creepy that a stranger wanted to post on your blog :-D.

I have been looking for Switzerland (region) comparisons to Washington--- because of the apparent similarities. And here you have this!

You mentioned that "Andrew" said you didn't need to go to Switzerland if you have been to WA... Was he serious? What has he said about the matter?

Also, you mentioned that you would (at the end) identify what was WA. and what was Switzerland. I couldn't fine that part in the post and wanted to know which was which. I was guessing that all of the unlabeled ones were WA (except maybe the pic taken from inside the car).

It was cool to visit your blog and see the references to the temples in your comparison :-).

Thanks for any info you can share.


Sarah said...

Hi Ben,

I said that of the first four pictures in the post, they were all from the Pacific Northwest.

Also, my husband Andrew was totally teasing. We are excited to someday go to Switzerland and Germany.

You might also enjoy my post about Leavenworth, WA:

Ben said...

Thank you Sarah :-). We have been to Leavenworth and enjoyed it. Nice posts.