Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wallace Falls Hike

On Saturday, Andrew and I went on a great hike to Wallace Falls. It was so beautiful and was a very great hike.

All the trees in the mountains are hairy (really it's moss). Crazy!

This is the Lower Falls. At the top, you can see the Middle Falls.

Middle Falls from a much closer vantage point. These are the most beautiful of the set. There was so much mist coming from the big drop. To the right of the Fall, the black rock had been worn smooth. So lovely.

Upper Falls were pretty, and it was a great place to stop and have some lunch!

This is what the rest of the world looked like from the Upper Falls. It was so misty and we were almost in the clouds!

Andrew and I then decided to follow another trail to Wallace Lake. There was no one on the trail. It was so silent and beautiful. I couldn't believe all the ferns! During this part of the hike, we actually were in the clouds!

That is what a lodge pole pine forest looks like. Just like a forest of aspens, only pine.

We reached Wallace Lake! It was pristine, and totally silent cuz no one else was there.

My handsome Andrew looking at the lake and fervently wanting to go fly fishing in it. He would love to fly fish here because the rivers are wider and there was no one at this lake. Those two things combined mean he was sad he couldn't fish.

After we reached Wallace Lake, we decided to go a little further to Jay Lake. We reached the Lake and it began to rain. We turned around and headed back.

We figured we hiked about 12 miles. We got soaked and my hands were frozen. We had so much fun together and I am glad we could go on such a great hike! It was fun to just say, "Hey, let's go a little further." Good times. My new hiking shoes served me well!

1 comment:

The Bredthauers said...

Looks fun! It's SO PRETTY there :) You guys are so cute. How's Andrew liking his internship? AND how are you doing? -stacy