Thursday, August 13, 2009

Crash Course in Potty Training

Today, Andrew and I are babysitting Lucy. She is in the middle of potty training. I like Lucy, and she is cute. But bathing her, and potty training her, and doing her hair, and getting her dressed (all done while she is screaming, squealing, crying, or her saying, "Don't do this to me...") makes me never want children. Potty training is especially ridiculous. That is why I am having a crash course in it. If she pees or poops in the potty, she gets an Oreo. I wish I had an Oreo for every time I went in the potty. I wish I had an Oreo for every time Lucy peed/pooped in her Pull-Up. Maybe it is a good thing that I don't or I would be way fat. Her princess Pull-Ups are magical. If the Pull-Up gets wet, these cute purple hearts on the front disappear. It makes checking for accidents very easy. Each time she does it, I plop her on the toilet (sometimes she is screaming and if she does happen to pee in the potty, I know I would get peed on. Or the ceiling would. That would be a mess. I always try to have a little pact with her that when she feels like she has to pee, she needs to tell me. It hasn't worked yet.

Andrew just sits there and laughs at my struggles. Then, after I get her a fresh Pull-Up and clothes on again, Andrew comes in and tickles her. She loves Andrew. And glares at me.

Then, she looks so darn cute and happy when I'm not asking her if she needs to sit on the potty, that it makes me like children and especially Lucy again. It is a problem. Or not. Cuz it is good to like cute little girls.
My Mom says I am being very patient. That is good cuz I'm not super patient. Another bright side to this potty training fest is that I have figured out which side of the Pull-Up is the front.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Congratulations on learning which side of the pull-up is the front! I don't know if I know that...