Friday, July 31, 2009

Oh I Do Love Checklists

Oh I do love checklists...

So says Bowler Hat Guy from Meet the Robinsons. I say it too.

I am checking off many things off of my checklist. Mostly, I am working on changing my name. Here is where I need to change my name.
  • Social Security card - check
  • Driver's License - check
  • Temple Recommend - I don't think you need to change it, but they did it for me even before our sealing! - check
  • Bank Account - check just barely!
  • Church Programs - I thought my new last name would be easier, but apparently it isn't. Perhaps over time they'll learn how to spell it right.
  • School Records- working on it
  • Voicemail - every voicemail I get starts out like this: "Sarah! You haven't changed your last name yet!" - to do
  • Email - haven't even started
  • My Mind - not even close - I still introduce myself by my maiden name, but I'm getting better at remembering what my married name is.
Well, I think I am doing pretty well at changing my name. What a pain in the butt. Andrew just can't understand my suffering.

Speaking of suffering... At summer camp I just had a group of 18 3rd-4th graders. Can you say "Hell"? Usually, I don't use such naughty words, but truly, that is what it was. To top it off, I am sick with a cold. Thank goodness that camp is over! They just wanted to have a war the whole week, and I pretty much let them cuz I didn't want to deal with all 18 of them. The team names were hilarious: Greenland and Bounty Hunters. I laughed. Some classic lines from my campers included:

"Sarah, he's hitting me with a stick."

"I don't like bugs." (Me: "Then why did you come to the Creeping Critters summer camp?") "I don't runember."

"Remember how you said our boundaries were X Y Z?" (Me: "Yes.") "Well can I please go to Q?" (Me: "Uh, what do you think?") "Yes?" (Me: "Try again. No.")

"I accidentally fell in the river." (Me: "I saw that when you jumped in.")

"Sarah, can we eat our snack?"

"YOU LIKE SCHOOL?!?! That's weird."

(Me: "Give me your sandwich.") "No!" (Me: "Then don't take other kids' lunches.") "I didn't!" (Me: "Really?") "It was an accident."

"We took the grasshoppers legs off so that the praying mantis can eat it!"
"Oh my gosh! The spider bit the praying mantis!"
"Now the praying mantis is pinching the spider!"
"The praying mantis is paralyzed from the spider's poison!"
"Sarah! The only one who lived is the grasshopper!"
(Me: "Why did you rip off the grasshopper's legs? Do you want me to rip your legs off?"

So, from these quotes you can see how I respond to small children. Sarcasm. You probably wonder how I could be so unfeeling and teasing to these kids. You try watching 18 kids run through a river bottom hitting each other with grass (that's the only thing I let them hit each other with) while you can't breathe.

Andrew said we won't have 18 kids and I am happy.


Melanie said...

As I said at dinner, often the only comment that comes to mind is "Sarah, you idiot." however, today it is more like "those kids are stupid." And also hilarious. I did enjoy those quotes...

Kayleigh said...

This is hilarious! Are you working at the farm that's right next to the highway that goes from Logan to Brigham City? The one with the, uh, barn? This is a terrible description but I think that I went to that camp one summer. Not the one about bugs though. There were lots of adorable barn kittens.
