Friday, August 8, 2008

Power Yoga

I discovered an amazing thing this morning ... POWER YOGA!! I discovered and began loving yoga this summer. Well, I didn't discover it, but I started doing it in May. Today, I tried Power Yoga. Yoga means "union" and really does relax your mind and body while building strength within the two. So I would say that thanks to yoga, my mind and body are a little more connected and stronger. But Power Yoga takes it to a more intense level. I broke a sweat and was moving a lot more than in normal yoga, it became more than just a relaxation and strengthening fest, but suddenly became cardio. I love it, and will keep up with both kinds of yoga because I like how it has already helped me to relax and become more flexible. I like that it helps to complete my workout. You should try it cuz it is way fun!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

PS, that isn't me doing Yoga.