This is my 350th post on the blog! Wow. That is a lot of posts. I am also trying something new with pictures. It takes more work, but it will take up less space.
As you know, it was just Easter weekend. We had a fun time celebrating in many ways, mostly in egg hunts.
Ward Easter Egg-stravaganza
Rachel chilling at breakfast; throwing a fit because she wants to go outside NOW; finding an egg; a full basket of eggs; finding a sneaky egg.
She also learned how to say "egg" so she had plenty of opportunity to practice.
Finding her basket at home
It's Easter morning!; searching for the basket; found it!; and there are treats; eating a Reese's peanut butter egg for breakfast; showing dad what she got; too cute.
Rachel seemed pretty excited about the things in her basket. We did not go crazy with gifts from the Easter bunny. Thanks to my parents, we did not have to buy any candy.
HOA egg hunt
I'm on our HOA board and headed up an egg hunt for children.
Finding eggs strewn about on the grass; a plethora of eggs; the kids who came; on the hunt with mom; an egg in a tree!; family Easter picture.
The other people helping me with the egg hunt thought we needed about 400 eggs. And then only 7 two-year-olds showed up. By the end, the parents were saying, "If you get five more eggs, we can go home."
And Rachel's dress is a size 18 month dress. It looked more like a ball gown because she is barely into 12 month clothes.
We also tried to remember the reason for Easter---our Savior, Jesus Christ. We had a wonderful stake conference on Sunday. I was in the choir. It was nice to sing songs about Him and feel the Spirit testify of His resurrection.
9 years ago
1 comment:
She is adorable! Adelyn also has those little tennis shoes and the panda pajamas AND she too loves to throw fits because I won't let her permanently reside in the outside world. Ah, the rough life of 18 month olds ;)
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