Thursday, July 14, 2011

Swimming Party!

Our apartment area had a swimming party. We got into the pool for freeeeeee! Since I'm a fake-single for the summer, I went and tagged along with the people with kids.

Heather, Tim, Caleb, and Audrey were way excited to see me!

T-Roy and Kaylee. The sun was in their eyes.

Little Emma in her floaty toy.

The kids having fun! Such a great picture. I love Emma's face just peaking above her floaty. Audrey is jumping and Caleb is splashing.

Me with Kaylee, post-swim when it started to get cold. I'm such a great fake aunt.

For cutes!

If you didn't know, I just LOVE to swim. I could swim all day. I am definitely a little fish. I really would like to go water skiing and boating sometime this summer. We'll see if it happens. If not, at least I got to have fun tonight!


Heather said...

Love it!

Michaelene Munro said...

Wow can't believe you have blogged about it already. It takes me weeks sometimes before I get around to blogging about something. And I agree, you are a great Aunt. thanks.

The Bredthauers said...

Looks fun! We'll miss those parties! Your swimsuit is way cute, by the way. :)

Melanie said...

Sarah! You will be such a good real aunt when that time comes. Just to let you know. That was at the aquatic center, right?