Friday, February 11, 2011

Sick Again

The week before school started in January, I got a very nasty cold. I laid on the couch for 3 days and watched documentaries on Netflix. It took me a week to get over it. And now, I am coughing a lot. Not cool.

I used to not get sick very often.

And then I got mono in May 2008. It really must have screwed up my immune system cuz I got some bad colds that fall and spring. Then, when Andrew and I got married, I got sick at least once every month. Moral of the story: boys make girls sick--must be the cooties. I hardly got sick during the most recent summer and fall, but this winter has been no good.

Today I went home from work early cuz I was coughing my lungs out. But first I sanitized my desk with Clorox wipes.

At least I don't feel as sick this time as I did during my last cold. Hopefully, this one won't wipe me out and kill my exercising fests and ice fishing plans and snow shoeing dreams. But I will probably just keep doing those things anyway.

And now that I just ate a huge bowl of popcorn for lunch (you can have these sorts of things for lunch when you are sick), I think I will go floss.


Melanie said...

Popcorn for lunch? And you get after me for some of my meals. ;) I'm sorry you're not feeling well. That is no fun at all.

Stofam said...

Hope you feel better! Its no fun being sick!!