Monday, February 15, 2010

Hawaii - Day Twelve

This was our last day in Hawaii. We went to church with Kirsten and Dave and then we went to the 'dry' side of the island and hiked around for a bit.

The coast here was very very rocky and I loved it. The black rock was so beautiful! I also could not believe how blue the water was against the old lava rock!

Andrew is a very handsome fellow. He looked good against the lovely scenery. Well, he always looks good.

Me in my so so cute dress that I bought at the swap meet.

The area was really rocky and the waves broke and splashed in such cool ways. It was really loud, and I loved to hear the sizzle of the the foam when the waves receded.

These two guys asked Andrew and I if we had ever been to the area before, and we said no. Then they told us to follow them and they took us along the cliffs and through two caves. It was so cool! The caves are old lava tubes. After they showed us, we took Kirsten and Dave through. In this picture, I think we look kind of mystic with the bright light glowing around our heads.
Andrew climbing on a cliff.
Andrew scrambling across the rock while the waves crash and splash. I'm in a cave.

Me coming out of the cave.

AND I SAW ONE OF THESE COOL SPINEY SEA URCHINS!! I always wanted to play in the tide pools, but this was the first place with a lot of tide pools.

We came out of the caves on the other side of the highway. I liked this picture of the flowers with the graffiti.
Andrew by a snazzy car.

Then we went on a hike to a lighthouse. The area made me think about parts of Utah, where there is just grass and it is hot.

Except in Oahu, there is an ocean nearby. Andrew on the edge of a hundred + foot cliff.

The sea turtle! It was really cool to be hiking on this cliff because we could see the humpback whales splashing and blowing water out of their spouts.

The moon. Just look at the color of the water! And the color of the sky! I have never seen water that color. Just fantastic.

Andrew and I on the edge of the cliff. I tried to get some smiley pictures, but I had to give up. This was our third one so I made a funny face, too!

People waaaayyy below us swimming in the tide pools. It looked like so much fun!

Weird plants that looked like starfish.

And the weirdest thing about this part of the island was the cacti! Right next to the ocean. So weird...

Islands that we could see from the lookout.

Cool scenery...

The cute little lighthouse.

Andrew and I in a tree cave. :)

Our trip was so much fun! We went back to Kirsten and Dave's and had gluten-free chicken cordon bleu. Then we went to the airport. I took some Tylenol PM and I slept soundly through the whole red-eye flight back to frozen Utah. We will have to go back to Hawaii another time. I wonder where our next adventure will be to?


Ashley said...

Hey Sarah! It looks like you guys had a fun trip. I love Hawaii. Hopefully you guys will be able to go back soon.

Stofam said...

You're next adventure should be to DC where we will be! J/K. As for Ck's hair, that is what he gest for not holding still suring a haircut. What you saw was grown out from how it was originally. We didnt set out to have it short!! Darn kids!