I haven't been sleeping well for the past few nights. I am way tired and my back hurts from sleeping on my stomach so much! I think it started with sleeping on Bryanna's bed, which was not good for sleeping on this weekend. Now I sleep fine until 2 or 3 in the morning, then I start rolling and having frustrating dreams.
Last night's frustrating dream:
We were having a party and there were two little kids at my house. They were jumping on my furniture and one of them had a stinky diaper. Then this creepy man kept looking in my window. I told him to go away and shut the blind, but he and his buddy ran to the other side of my window and looked in. I was trying to get a picture of them so I could show it to the police, but my camera phone wasn't working. Then for some reason, we were on a house boat. I could see sharks under the boat, swimming around, and fighting with each other. Everyone was swimming and they weren't listening to me - even Andrew didn't listen. I was way mad that they were putting themselves in such danger.
And I woke up and I was angry.
I need to sleep better and not have dreams that make me angry. Now I just need to figure out how to do that.
9 years ago