Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not Sleeping Well

I haven't been sleeping well for the past few nights. I am way tired and my back hurts from sleeping on my stomach so much! I think it started with sleeping on Bryanna's bed, which was not good for sleeping on this weekend. Now I sleep fine until 2 or 3 in the morning, then I start rolling and having frustrating dreams.

Last night's frustrating dream:

We were having a party and there were two little kids at my house. They were jumping on my furniture and one of them had a stinky diaper. Then this creepy man kept looking in my window. I told him to go away and shut the blind, but he and his buddy ran to the other side of my window and looked in. I was trying to get a picture of them so I could show it to the police, but my camera phone wasn't working. Then for some reason, we were on a house boat. I could see sharks under the boat, swimming around, and fighting with each other. Everyone was swimming and they weren't listening to me - even Andrew didn't listen. I was way mad that they were putting themselves in such danger.

And I woke up and I was angry.

I need to sleep better and not have dreams that make me angry. Now I just need to figure out how to do that.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Andrew's Additions

Andrew said that I forgot to put boats on his birthday list. So I picked out some boats for him.

An air boat - oh please no! Can you get any more redneck?

Indeed, you can. This picture is of a redneck bass boat.

If he ever gets a bass boat, it will be this one. It isn't too embarrassing.

Andrew's Birthday List

I am creating Andrew's birthday list. He may say he only wants two things, but it is a lie. He keeps asking me for millions of things.

Andrew wants money to pay his bills. Boring, but true. Being a poor, starving college student isn't all it is cracked up to be (yes, it is true Karen and The Dad). We are willing to have a vacation package during the Christmas vacation for anyone who wants the experience of being a poor, starving college student for 10 days. Unfortunately, there is no school during that time. We'll give you a budget and you get to pay all your bills and live on it your pathetic excuse for a budget. Call me if you are interested.
Andrew also wants hiking boots for his beautiful wife. Really! He keeps telling people that this is what he wants the most!

As usual, Andrew wants Rapalas. Actually, he wants you to give him money and tell him that it is for buying Rapalas so he can get the ones that he wants.
Andrew wants this telescope. It has an 8 inch lens, I think. It is cool cuz you align the telescope and then you can tell it what stars to look at and it will automatically move to point at it.

Andrew wants this truck. It is a Chevy Silverado. He wants a white one cuz it shows the mud better. With his truck he will go through the mud, go up steep hills, and haul any animal he kills.

He also wants a gun so he can go duck hunting. Not the Nintendo game, but real duck hunting.

Andrew also wants a red headed daughter, such as our neighbor. Actually, we have two red headed little girls in our ward and Andrew has a huge crush on them.

Finally, Andrew wants a trip to Hong Kong. We would spend very little time in downtown Hong Kong, as featured in this picture, but it gets the message across.

OK, so in summary, Andrew wants a lot of things. If you get him anything, you should get him hiking boots for his beautiful wife, or Rapalas, or money. Or you can get him something else if you really want to.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I Love It

My mother in law said I couldn't live without it. My Dad uses it all the time. Andrew didn't think we needed to keep this wedding gift. And now, I love it.

It is a Cuisinart Smart Stick!My Dad uses it to make personal milkshakes, which idea Andrew thinks sounds awesome, now that I mentioned it.

I used it last night to make Butternut Squash Bisque. It was delicious. The recipe told me to put the veggie chunks in a blender, but I remembered this thing. VVVVVVVVVRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMZZZZZZZZZZZ and again and again and everything was pureed to perfection. That soup was delicious. And I love my Smart Stick.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Stuff

I was really happy today. I am in a Family History class at the Institute and I was frustrated that my family lines seem to go back as far as possible to ever find the records. My teacher asked me what the matter was, and I told him. He suggested that I make sure that all of my ancestors' siblings and their spouses and their children's Temple work is done. WOW! I got about 30 people who need some portion of their work done and printed them off. There is one fellow who's work was done in 1940, except being sealed to his parents.

Today was great. My parents and siblings came up to Logan to do baptisms and confirmations for the dead. I was really happy to see the people that I found getting those blessings. Now we get to do a lot of other Temple work! I am really excited and grateful that my teacher suggested searching out the siblings of my ancestors. After, they want to be sealed as families as much as I do.

This is a beautiful picture of the Logan Temple. That is where my family and I went today.
This is the Bountiful Temple and my favorite one! And I love it even more cuz that's where Andrew and I were married.

This is the Hong Kong Temple, where Andrew served his mission. Someday, we will go to Hong Kong and it will be awesome. We have a jar that we put our loose change in and we call it our Hong Kong Jar!

I love Temples. You should go. The end.

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Party, Cops Included

Andrew and I went to become True Aggies. YAY! In my senior year at Utah State, I finally stayed up till midnight and kissed someone on the A. And I kissed my husband. Here are some of the highlights:

Me in the foreground, and those two guys in the white behind me ARE COPS! I have officially gone to a wild college party, because as Scott says, it isn't a real college party unless the cops show up. I think it counts.

Andrew and I after we kissed each other on the 'A'. We were both in our PJs.

Friends Michelle and Jeff kissing on the 'A'. They stood in a massive line with us. We waited in line for 45 minutes just to kiss our own spouses.

And that is my exciting story of True Aggie Night, in which the cops were in attendance, therefore making me a party animal.