Thursday, November 13, 2008

Now I Like Ballet

I like to do so many things, most recently ballet! I am taking a ballet class this semester, and at first I didn't like it very much cuz I am not a very good dancer. I stuck with it cuz it is a learning experience, right? I felt ridiculous, and we have leotards, which makes me feel way self conscious. A few weeks ago, the Winnepeg Ballet came to Logan, and our teacher told us to pretend we were in a famous ballet company. I love to pretend! So I pretended that I was a real ballerina and dancing was actually pretty darn fun. Now, every day at ballet I pretend that I am a ballet superstar and I think that I am dancing better because I am performing. Now, I just wish that I had a tutu to wear. Here is a painting by Degas, and I want a pink tutu like these ballerinas have, only with little more covering on top.

1 comment:

Erin and Matt said...

I took a class once where the teacher said Dagas hated the job of painting the ballerinas and he tended to paint them to resemble rodents. Just a funny/wierd fact! I'm glad you're having fun in your class.