Sunday, May 12, 2013

Easter Festivities

Before we had Rachel, Andrew and I did not really celebrate holidays. It wasn't because we were Scrooges, it was that it seemed stupid to go all out for two adults. But now that we have a baby who, frankly, doesn't really care, we celebrate holidays.

We celebrated Easter by participating in the Easter basket deal with Rachel. How pagan of us. We also celebrated the Christian part of Easter by going to Church and watching the Bible Videos about Christ's last week. But those aren't as fun to post pictures of on the internet.

Coloring Eggs

Even though I love spelling, I cannot ever figure out the gerund of "to dye" eggs. It looks wrong no matter how I spell it. "Dyeing," I believe, is the correct way, but it looks horrible to have those two vowels next to each other. And then "dying" is not right, although we do boil the eggs so it does kill anything that may have been alive inside them. Anyway, moving on. So we colored the eggs. Maybe we coloured them, UK style. However it is, we did it with our friends.

A pile of eggs.

Claire making yellow dye.

Ric photobombing in a fabulous manner.

Rachel enjoying this tradition.

Kendra and Dallon coloring on their eggs before they dye/colour them.

Ric's Superman egg.

Andrew was there, too. He seems to have evaded the camera.

The Ward Easter Partay

Rachel in an Easter basket.

Andrew did not evade the camera this time! But his eyes are closed.

Going outside for the egg hunt.

Our friends, Sarah and Olivia

Rachel got an egg!

Good job, my child.

Love them.

Easter Styling Outfits

Everyone knows that little girls need Easter dresses for Easter.

Here they come in their Easter clothes! They are about to hunt for the basket.

~~~Why is Easter so much about hunting? An egg hunt, hunting for your basket? It is funny that a bunny hides these, but we don't hunt for bunnies in this holiday.

Golly gee! The Easter bunny brought her teething rings! And Green Eggs and Ham.

Our family Easter picture. :)

Happy Easter a month and a half late!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

What a fun Easter! I'm happy Rachel got such a good book from the Easter Bunny.