Friday, December 3, 2010


Some things really make me angry. I feel like a lot of things have come up that make me angry.

Things that make me angry include...
  • People who take things out of historical context.
  • People who can't drive in the snow.
  • People who can't drive when there is no snow.
  • Jerks.
  • Running into sharp corners--books, chest-of-drawers, doors, tables...
  • Stale bagels.
  • Bigots.
  • The Tea-Party (perhaps that's the same thing as the above bullet-point--and they also take things out of historical context, so they have two anger strikes against them).
  • Tropes in American Studies.
  • People who throw theories into every conversation so they sound smart even though they are full of crap.
  • Cavities.
  • People who are stupid.
  • People who can't spell.
  • People who can't make their subjects and verbs agree in their first language.
  • People who are unable to differentiate between plural and possessive nouns.
Pretty much those are the things that have lately been making me angry.

If you do them, I'm sorry you make me angry.


ScottBoomer said...

Sarah I guess you must hate me then. For I:
Can't spell.
Don't really know if my their subjects and verbs agree.
Probably am unable to differentiate between plural and possessive nouns.
I am a jerk.
I don't even know what a Trope in American Studies is.
Pretty sure I take things out of historical context.
Theres a good chance that I throw theories into every conversation so they sound smart even though I am full of crap.
I will understand if we can't be friends any more. But unfortunatly for you, you can't pick your family.

Melanie said...

Yes, Ross and I have agreed that you pretty much hate everyone. And Ross wonders: "Why does she hate herself?" Good question from a good husband. :)

Ashley said...

LOL. I'd fall into the "people who can't spell" category! I momentarily go over my Project 22 posts and notice that I spell "because" wrong almost every time! I blame it on the keyboard. :)

Kayleigh said...

Move to one of the coasts. People still, for the most part, can't drive or spell but at least there are fewer tea partiers.

True story: I ignored a job offer because the lady who emailed me about it couldn't be bothered to spell out "you" or "are." I mean really.
