Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Aggie Shuttle

It has come to my attention that I have some funny opinions about the Aggie Shuttle.

  • It is slower than walking to campus. This belief probably comes from the fact that I always see it drive away but never arrive, so I just walk through the cemetery.
  • Ironically, the ride length from campus to home isn't worth it--you can't get any good reading in on the Shuttle.
  • It makes me sick. This opinion comes from actual experience aboard the Logan bus system on my way to Wal-Mart while sitting next to smokers and having heat blasted on me.
  • You'll freeze to death before it comes to the stop. Logan winters. The End.
  • Sideways seating. I rode to Salt Lake and back on an Aggie Shuttle for a field trip. It was terrible.
  • I enjoy wasting my student fees. (not--if only I could say, "I never ride the shuttle, can I get more free prints?")
  • You only get fat on the Aggie Shuttle. So true. Walks are healthy and if I walk for about a half hour each day (to and from school) I will prevent obesity.
  • I've already been sitting all day, so why should I sit to get home? You'd think this too if you've broken your tailbone before. I would only want to ride the Aggie Shuttle if it was packed full and I got to stand up and hold the bar. Unfortunately, I'm armpit height to most people.
And that is my assessment of the Aggie Shuttle. You can ride it if you want. I won't judge you.

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