Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm Bored :P

I have spent one day at home, and I was mostly bumming around. I have nothing that I have to get done, and nothing going on. I read a lot. I enjoy reading, it is just psychologically hard for me to sit down and read for six hours because I don't have that kind of free time during school. I have a few books to read this break, and I think I'll get them done. My parents and I are going to be driving to Sacramento for my cousin's wedding this weekend. During the drive, I plan to crochet three scarves for Christmas presents and hopefully get some more reading done. Isn't it crazy how books keep getting added and added and added to your "To Read" list? There are so many on mine, and the rate at which books get added to the list, that I wonder if I will ever get them read! I'll have to live a long time so I can read them all.

1 comment:

Christina said...

That never-ending list thing happens to me with movies. Isn't that weird because I'm an English major? New books are always fun, don't get me wrong, but I tend to stick with the old favorites.

I hope you don't die of boredom ;)