I had a tubing accident. It was epic and amazing. I was on the awesome fun tube (that seats four) and my face hit Uncle Paul's head. I think I blacked out and I just remember being in the water and thinking, "Oh my head kills." And then, "Oh my cheek kills." And, "Wow, I need to get in the boat." So I did.
Saturday July 30

Right after I got onto the beach and found a frozen waterbottle to ice my face with. I didn't cry. I am strong.

Later that night. Yes, I look stoned (this would be a lot of ibuprofen later). It was swelling and already starting to bruise.
Sunday, July 31

Time for Church! Oh, how it hurt to smile (please note the crooked grin).
Monday, August 1

I got a great response at work. No, my husband did not beat me. Maybe I was guarding the liquor store. My boss said he would beat us all until morale improved. I got a huge lecture from the co-editor at work about how dangerous tubing is and that I should never do it ever again. Yeah right, I'm going right back on next time the family goes.
Tuesday, August 2

Here the bruise is reaching it's best stage. My eye wasn't swollen but my cheek still was. You can see the yellow and it really was a
black eye.
Wednesday, August 3

Here's another great day for the eye. I discovered why black eyes are often called "shiners"--get this baby in the right light and it reflects off the discolored skin. So cool!
Thursday, August 4

I was sad that it was starting to get better. I loved how strangers would stop me and ask what happened to me. I also have a strange fascination with bruises.
Friday, August 5

Still getting better, unfortunately. I think I bruised my cheek bone cuz it still really hurt to the touch.
Saturday, August 6

Here is a close-up. I think it is still pretty good. I went to Hyrum lake with my sisters and we had a great time. We didn't boat cuz we only had an inflatable raft and three life jackets.
Sunday, August 7

OK, so we all know that I am vain, but seriously, can I be any more babe-alicious? I'm so glad I'm hott even with a black eye.
Monday, August 8

I can smile again without pain! Now it is just red.
Tuesday, August 8

You can't really see it, but my face is classic. The bruise is mostly red and a little smaller than Mondays, and since it is Wednesday when I am posting this, it still looks pretty much the same.
I kind of wish it had lasted a little longer.
In sum, getting a black eye like that really hurts, but the beautiful colors are so worth it.
Aww... Sarah, you have such an amazing outlook on life and the stuff that happens!! I am so glad that you are a part of my family!
Ouch! But it did look really cool. I used to get wicked cool volleyball bruises in high school
Sarah! Hey! I found your blog through mutual friends and I have to say I love your blog! I haven't seen you since high school. You are looking a little more black and blue than I remember you but still beautiful. Ha ha. Glad it is slowly healing! You are awesome!
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