***CAUTION: This post contains headless chickens and chicken guts. Look away if you get queasy or if you love chickens and don't want to see where the stuff you eat really comes from.***
On July 25, I went with the in-laws to slaughter 27 chickens with the extended family.
I made a Chicken Music Mix CD, which was filled with fun songs like "Chicken Fried," "Brown Chicken, Brown Cow," "Sic 'Em On A Chicken," "Chicken Dumplings," and "C-H-I-C-K-E-N" (which me, The Dad, and Elise are dancing to), along with the classic Bill Cosby skit, "Chicken Heart That Ate New York City." Everyone said the CD was great and helped make the chore more fun.
Uncle Dan (who cut off the heads) and The Dad (who held the wings down and got covered in blood) pulling the skin and feathers off of the chickens.
Me gutting a chicken. I am crying and I almost threw up. It was still warm inside! Grandma S. was helping me. She kept saying how proud she was that we girls would have skills needed when the Lord calls us to Missouri. Sorry, when the Lord calls us to Missouri, I don't think we'll be gutting chickens, and we might not even eat meat. I guess I have these skills for when our government and economy collapse, so Andrew and I have to feed our families with what we can hunt or raise.
That's me with the chicken that I gutted.
All I can say is that Andrew really missed out. And that was quite the experience.
Wow, that's quite the adventure you had there. ya, I would be crying the whole time, not gonna lie.
lol! Poor you! your expressions are awesome in those pictures!
I know it's not funny, but can't stop laughing. Ha ha. Love your face in the gutting pic. My family used to do this but stopped before I was 8, so I don't remember much (luckily). Turns out it actually costs less to buy them in the store then raise and butcher them yourself (that's why they stopped). Who knew?
That is crazy! I don't think I could have handled that. I think I will starve when the Lord calls us to Missouri if I need those skills.
Mmm, mmmm. Gutting things.... yummy, isn't it?
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