Monday, January 13, 2014

It's January!

Well I have been slacking but that doesn't matter. The main reason is that I am too lazy (and confused about whatever program Andrew wants me to use) to put pictures on the computer, and then to flickr, and then to the blog. So I thought I'd post Christmas stuff, but that isn't on here.

So here is a Thanksgiving picture.

And here is a very random picture from a walk I went on with Andrew, Rachel, and Wesley (Maren was running).

Yes, that is a chicken with some ducks.

We are doing fine around here. Not too much to report.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

So I love you, and stalk you. But your pictures aren't showing up....there is a little box that shows the flicker logo, and other assorted stuffs and in the middle it says "Oops! This photo is private!" Just thought you should know! You are doing way better on your blogging than I am though!